Friday, June 13, 2014

"The Muslim and Me- Reunited"

While picking up dinner tonight, I couldn't stop thinking about the gas station that was only a few seconds away. For those of you that read my Facebook posts, you might remember my post about "Salma", my Muslim friend ( for those that don't, I will attach post). I was just there a few hours ago and was able to say hi to my friend. She was busy though, and the  line was long, so I said hello and left. The thought of visiting, wouldn't leave me alone, so after I picked up my food, I drove by Salma's store. The parking lot was empty, so I pulled in. I walked in and you could feel the excitement on her face for my visit. Tonight, I did not hold hands and pray for my Muslim friend. Tonight, I stood and talked with her as we shared our life. She told me about her God, and I told her about mine. We discussed the similarities in our culture/religion, and she shared things about her life. Tonight, she grabbed my hand. Not to pray, just to talk. AND to let me know she appreciated my company. She squeezed my hand tight, and after what took more than your average "girl time planning" ( our diets are different, she can not shop for the same clothes I would buy, she has to pray at specific times 5 times a day, etc, she invited me to her home to eat. I agreed. We exchanged phone numbers. As I was leaving she asked If I would help her with her English. What an honor. What a privilege. It's easy to be friends with someone that believes what you do, and has the same background. It just might be easier to have a friend with a language barrier and completely different beliefs! I am excited about my new friend, and even more excited to be given the opportunity to share my God with someone who has never known him.

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