Friday, June 6, 2014

"I Will Catch You When You Fall" Faith, Fear And Gold Medals

Fear- It's real. Fear can cripple you, steal you of your joy, and can control you. Whether it is fear of a monster, fear of your future, or fear of the "high beam", Fear can stop you in your tracks, lead to bad decisions, and change your entire outlook on life. One of my gymnasts is terrified of the High Beam. On a beam lower to the ground, she is confident, graceful, and has the posture and poise of a champion. The minute she stands on a taller beam, she is shaky, scared, and her balance crumbles. To help her conquer her fear, I stand beside her and remind her that "I will catch her if she falls". While she practices her routine, I stand close, arms beside her, ready to catch her if she gets into trouble. Tonight, while wiping away tears of my terrified gymnast trying to overcome her fear, she looked at me said, "You will catch me if I fall". It wasn't a question. It wasn't doubt. It was the reminder that I have given her to help comfort her fear. It was a trust that has taken a little longer than most to be built up. But tonight, she was reminding herself, trying to let go of that fear. I stood beside her while she did her beam routine on the high beam. My arms  were lifted and close, but I never touched her. She performed with confidence, poise, and grace that even impressed the judge. What a perfect reminder of God "catching us when we fall". He doesn't promise that we won't fall, but that when we do, and put our trust in him, he will catch us and help our feet land safely on the ground. I need to have the faith and confidence that my gymnast had in me tonight. I won't ask God about falling. I will remind myself that when I do, he will catch me. And I will be safe!

I wrote this over 2 months ago (but like most of my blogs that I write, I never published it). We had a "practice meet" with a "real judge" to prepare for meet season. Yesterday we had our first "real competition" with several "real judges". I watched that sweet child who has overcome a HUGE fear, perform her beam routine like a true champion. She did fall, but not from fear, and she landed safely on her feet. She climbed right back on the beam and finished with confidence. Not only did she conquer her fear, she won the meet in her age division!!! 
And this is what I learned from my Gold Medalist... 
You might be afraid. Fearful of financial issues, future, failure, health, careers, etc, BUT when you "pray that fear away", you will be able to live like the Champion you are. After all, we all have our "Gold Medal" waiting for us!!
I am so thankful for the life lessons these children teach and remind me of daily!!!

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