Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's Storming... But, I'm still praising...

When it rains, it pours. At least that seems to be the case lately. I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster and I want nothing more than to get off this ride!! One minute I'm going up hill excited with my arms in the air and before I know it I am hanging on for dear life, falling face first being slung in all different directions. Right before I think I'm climbing the mountain to "calm-ness", and almost ready to be able to enjoy the view-BAM!! I'm being thrown down by that stupid roller coaster! The past week I've been let down by more than one person, stressed, exhausted, heartbroken, etc. Today, when I woke up I had big hopes of this week turning around. It's hump day and I'm ready to see that mountain top view. Whoa! Was I wrong! Today life as I've known it was completely turned upside down. I get in the car and "Praise You In This Storm" by Casting Crowns was on the radio. Less than 30 minutes later the rain was pouring and the thunder rumbling. During that storm, I was right where I needed to be doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing. All though, I can't see or understand it right now, I was also exactly where I needed to be 30 minutes before, yesterday, every other day of the past very disappointing week, and even before. Lately, I've been let down and disappointed by people, but I've also been blessed by many others. I've been frustrated and even heartbroken by situations, but I've been prayed for, loved on and supported. I've been exhausted, worn out, and stressed, but also felt a certain peace, relaxation, and strength. My life wasn't turned upside down today, even if it felt like it. Today was the reminder I needed and push of God saying, " Let Go! Arms high and enjoy the ride! Surely you know by now that I've already got this"!

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