Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"The Calm Before The Storm"

Whew! What a week! I've spent the week doing my usual running back and forth between two jobs. It's Wednesday night. The night I realize that I'm passed the "halfway point" of another crazy week. A storm is coming. I'm getting ready for bed. I'm ready to listen to rain drops on my window as I drift off for the night. I've got a big stinky dog at my feet who will be guarding my bedroom door for the night. And tonight I'm excited about peaceful rest. Even after all the stress, worry, anxiety from the past 3 days of working 2 jobs, trying to please everyone but myself, bills, to do lists, things I've neglected, schedule change, schedule conflict, doctors appointment, trying to do too many things at once, with terrible organizational skills, tonight I am at peace. I am overwhelmed by the peace and relaxation I am feeling right now. What didn't get done today I will tackle tomorrow. Worries, unpaid bills, and a lengthy to do list will be waiting for me in the morning. Tonight, my heart was filled with thankfulness. And that led to and overwhelming sense of peace. A storm is coming. After a good night of rest, I will be ready for it! 

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