Sunday, July 20, 2014

Calling ALL Prayer Warriors!!!

This time last year I KNEW something was going on with my back. I fought hard to ignore and try to downplay the pain. Most of you know how hard I fought back surgery, and when I FINALLY allowed God control of my health I was only disappointed that I didn't listen earlier. Back surgery/recovery was tough. But what was "tougher" was being told 10 weeks later that I didn't have enough disc left to "heal/cushion" my spine, and I needed a spinal fusion. That was also when my amazing group of prayer warriors allowed God to SHOW OFF!!! I'll never forget the day I called the doctor's office to cancel my MRI and back surgery #2 (spinal fusion) appointment. I'm sure the lady who answered the phone thought I was crazy (not that she was wrong in thinking that)!! " I need to cancel my appointment. God has healed me and my pain is manageable!"  

God is the ultimate physician! There is nothing he can't heal and no pain that he can't take away!! I've experienced it first hand with my own experience, watched as he healed and protected my amazing nieces with brain disorders, and always amazed with his miracles that I hear about constantly! 

I literally smacked myself right in the forehead around 3:30 this morning. I've always been "the stubborn child" (just ask my parents)! When will I learn?!? Here I go again... I noticed some familiar back pain weeks ago. My mind went straight to "ignore it. It's nothing. It will go away if I pretend it's not there". That helped A LOT, says no one EVER!! 

I have some very exciting things going on in my life right now and this Back pain might be Satan's way of trying to steal my joy. Not this time!!! So, here I am once again calling my awesome group of prayer warriors asking for help!  Please help me pray this pain away!!  I serve the ONE who hears prayers, heals, and always helps!! Love you all!!! 

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