Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Trick Or Treat

Sunday mornings: A "treat" for sinners to come together to worship and praise God. Yes, I will be so blunt to call it a treat... Why? Because it is. I wake up every morning with Jesus. I get into my car several times a day with music praising his name. In random conversations throughout my week, he is mentioned several times, or even the topic. There is no "ME" without "HIM", and that includes "ME" failing "HIM" daily. But, Sunday mornings... There is just something different. Maybe it is the celebration of a congregation full of sinners who are forgiven. A new week to do better, make a difference, and multiply  HIS Kingdom. I heard a debate that Christians shouldn't go to church to be "fed". "Church" is everywhere these days: on the radio, TV, and internet. Stop "feeding" Christians and watch the church starve. But that is my opinion and another blog.  Back to my point... 

I get to church this morning. I am more excited than on most Sundays. I am blessed, I am stressed, and I have missed a few Sundays due to work,  heartbreak, and even selfishness. I am ready... Until, when I get there, And am told someone that showed up to do the exact same thing was faced with devastation. In my sinful mind, we go to church to worship and celebrate, even if we're celebrating with those who mourn with us. "Oh, God, please don't do this to them!" I went to grab my purse and Bible to leave. "I'm supposed to celebrate, worship, and praise now?" I can't!  And He said, "Yes, you are, and yes you can"! What better place to cry out and pray to God?! I stayed. I prayed. And more importantly, I praised. Because no matter my heartbreak, their heartbreak was worse. And what better place could I be other than a place full of sinners who long to be with God? What better place for God to remind me that he is in complete control? What better reminder do I need to remind those I love just how much he is in control?!?  

     I stayed. I prayed. I praised and celebrated just how Awesome my God was no matter what the circumstance was in my life or those I love! And I have no doubt that HE is in any less control than he was over 2,000 years ago when he sacrificed his son because of his love for me and you! Thank you God for loving , reminding me, and allowing me to worship you ALWAYS!!!

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