Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I will...

Tonight I will wake up from a dream that you are in. Your dirty fur left over from the brush I last brushed you with will be in my hand. If it isn't, I will panic until I find it. I will smell it and be reminded of your sweet stinky self. I will finally go back to sleep. When I wake up, I will listen for that sometimes ( ok, always) annoying bark at the wind when nothing is there. I will get my coffee and walk outside watching for the poop I always step in. But tomorrow, there will be no annoying bark waking me up, No poop to step in, and no stinky fur to brush. For tonight, I will miss the annoying bark, sniff the dirty fur ball, and purposely not scrape the poop from my shoes that I refuse to clean until I am ready to wear them. I wish I had one more day to be woken up from your bark, one more morning of stepping in your poop, and one more day to bathe you. I will love and miss you forever Casey BoBo Head!!

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