Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happy First Birthday in Heaven!

I don't know what time it is in Heaven, but it's midnight here... So, Happy Birthday!! I know you're busy "up there" having the best time ever, but I wish you could have seen the celebration tonight in your honor. I pulled into your driveway tonight, late, as usual ( we always had that in common), wearing blue and blasting your speaker in my jeep! Cars were everywhere! I almost lost it then. But, I didn't. I walked in around to the pool, that was covered with people sharing stories about you. So much laughter! It was great! Your friends were there and so was your family! Your dad obviously had been cooking all morning, day, and night. They had prepared a feast  in your honor! We sang Happy Birthday to you. Kylie and Brett blew out your candles,  and I've never wanted to scream "Roll Tide" so loud and proud in all my life!  If you ever doubted how loved you were, I wish you could have seen tonight! You loved everyone you met (including me)! Thank you for your hugs and "I love you's"! Your life and death have reached more people than you will ever know!! I can't wait for you to welcome me at those gates with that same hug and "I love you". Happy First Birthday in Heaven Austin! Roll Tide!! 

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