Sunday, August 24, 2014

Every Trial Has A Purpose

I woke up this morning AND I was pumped, excited, and even a little anxious! Don't get me wrong- I love worshipping on Sunday Mornings. But today was different. My brother was going to share his testimony about how God has used my nieces to glorify his kingdom. Did I need to see my brother on stage speaking to hundreds, if not a thousand proving God's almighty power? No. I see it every time I'm with my precious miracle nieces. But, did I need to be reminded that every trial in this life serves a purpose?? YES!! And I had no idea that a testimony from my brother, one that I have been a part of and first hand experienced would remind and make me so aware of God's promises! 

     "Everyone is either in the middle of a trial, coming out of one, or about to go through one". If I am going to be completely honest, I am stuck right in the middle of one (at least I thought I was) right now, finally crawling out of another trial (Hooray), and after today, ready to dive face first on my knees to the next! It's coming. And I'm prepared! For those that have known me a while, you know I've experienced "my share of trials". Everyone who is reading this has, some just not as transparent as others. It took some time, but I have said for a while now that I am thankful for all of it! God has made me a new person, given me a heart for things my eyes never would have been opened to before, and has humbled me to the point of using my shame, guilt, and experiences to love on more of his "kids" than I ever would have before! I'm thankful for past trials. The ones I face everyday, not so much... 

     I knew today was going to be special. I thought because my brother being on stage sharing the amazing things God has done for my family, was going to be why. It was. But there was more... 

     I showed up late this morning (as usual) and before I was able to put my purse and bible down to sing and praise, one of my gymnast was standing beside me telling me she had saved me a seat. I hugged and thanked her while I explained my family came to hear my brother today, but next time I would love to sit with her. (Don't worry, Jesus smacked me in the head) It took less than a minute for me to realize how precious and special it was that my gymnast wanted to worship with ME and what an amazing opportunity that was! I looked around and finally found her! I spent the first part of worship right beside her singing and praising!

     I made my way back to my seat and listened to my brother share his and Abby's (my sister in law) story. I was sitting next to that faithful servant who has endured every struggle with grace and obedience. I looked around and saw my family who has been there through day one, praying, supporting, and always helping to carry the burdens of my loved ones. I cried. If that would have been a stranger on stage, I still would have cried. What an awesome testimony from someone who just so happened to be my brother!! Wow!! It was awesome!!! 

     And then, the icing on the cake: The band started the closing song, Finding Favour "Say Amen". A "past gym mom" (I coached her daughter 15 years ago) sent that song to me after reading a blog I wrote a few months ago. We both talked about how awesome it would be if my brother sang the song in church. That song has become my favorite, and this morning while the band was closing, they sang it! I saw that "gym mama"on the second row and I ran to her! I'm not one to be in the "front row", but I didn't care! I didn't walk. I didn't think. I ran. And when I did, her daughter, my past gymnast was there. We hugged, we sang, and tears were flowing. 

     Every trial does have a purpose. I've seen my share. I have never been through one alone, even if I thought I was at times. Today, I was reminded of my purpose, thankful for storms that have opened my eyes, and thankful for the unconditional love God has blessed me with! My heart is full, climbing to the mountaintop, stuck in the valley, and even when I fall off the cliff! I am blessed through it all!! 


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happy First Birthday in Heaven!

I don't know what time it is in Heaven, but it's midnight here... So, Happy Birthday!! I know you're busy "up there" having the best time ever, but I wish you could have seen the celebration tonight in your honor. I pulled into your driveway tonight, late, as usual ( we always had that in common), wearing blue and blasting your speaker in my jeep! Cars were everywhere! I almost lost it then. But, I didn't. I walked in around to the pool, that was covered with people sharing stories about you. So much laughter! It was great! Your friends were there and so was your family! Your dad obviously had been cooking all morning, day, and night. They had prepared a feast  in your honor! We sang Happy Birthday to you. Kylie and Brett blew out your candles,  and I've never wanted to scream "Roll Tide" so loud and proud in all my life!  If you ever doubted how loved you were, I wish you could have seen tonight! You loved everyone you met (including me)! Thank you for your hugs and "I love you's"! Your life and death have reached more people than you will ever know!! I can't wait for you to welcome me at those gates with that same hug and "I love you". Happy First Birthday in Heaven Austin! Roll Tide!! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I may never walk my child to their first Kindergarten class, BUT...

I wrote a post on Facebook Monday night sharing my heart about the possibilities of never having a child, but how I experienced one of greatest joys of being an aunt that day. In that post I wrote, "I may never walk my child to their first Kindergarten class, but...".
     I spent yesterday morning in the office of my favorite doctor, but at the most dreaded appointment us women have to visit "yearly". I've never met a female who enjoys those "visits", but for me, it's a little different. This time last year that same doctor held my hands and prayed a mighty prayer that God would bless me with a Godly man, as my "time was ticking". Yesterday, he hugged me and told me how much he loved me, and I know he genuinely means it. There was no way to try hide the "big elephant" in the room and he didn't try to tip toe around it.  With love, gentleness and prayer, he let me know that as my doctor he wouldn't be dishonest with me, but more importantly we serve an amazing God whose plans are always better than our own and is still in the miracle business. 
       I spent very little time on Facebook this morning trying to get ready for a busy day, but I did enjoy seeing pictures of kids in their school uniforms holding signs saying "First day of ___ grade". And then, one of my gym babies shows up for her private lesson today in her plaid uniform dress after her first day of kindergarten. I dropped to my knees and hugged the preciousness out her bones! I have to admit the tears started coming! Tears of Joy? Tears of, "I love these kids and consider them my babies too. And wow! They are growing up"! I spentthe afternoon excitedly asking questions and listening to "first day of school stories"!l I was hugged on, loved on, thanked by parents, and appreciated. Today was a great day! UNTIL... I let one little "negative person" (who wasn't even negative towards me) change my mood. I went home to relax after a very long day, and all of the sudden the "first day of school" pics and posts started weighing on my heart. The, "I may never walk my child to their first kindergarten class, but..."  suddenly became "Oh, God! I may never walk my child to their first Kindergarten class!"

Dear Satan- you are so bad you're good! To use my situation and one negative person to try to grab ahold of me was smart. And you did it. You won. BUT only for a few minutes!! My God is so much more powerful than you and he will always win! 

Lesson of the day: I do not want to be the "Debbie Downer/Negative Nelda whose bad attitude causes someone else to stumble. I too am guilty of letting Life's stress and anxiety bring my attitude down! And next time I am faced with "negativity", I hope and pray I can either ignore it, or smack the negativity right off their lips (with love and encouragement, of course! 😄)!!!