Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I will...

Tonight I will wake up from a dream that you are in. Your dirty fur left over from the brush I last brushed you with will be in my hand. If it isn't, I will panic until I find it. I will smell it and be reminded of your sweet stinky self. I will finally go back to sleep. When I wake up, I will listen for that sometimes ( ok, always) annoying bark at the wind when nothing is there. I will get my coffee and walk outside watching for the poop I always step in. But tomorrow, there will be no annoying bark waking me up, No poop to step in, and no stinky fur to brush. For tonight, I will miss the annoying bark, sniff the dirty fur ball, and purposely not scrape the poop from my shoes that I refuse to clean until I am ready to wear them. I wish I had one more day to be woken up from your bark, one more morning of stepping in your poop, and one more day to bathe you. I will love and miss you forever Casey BoBo Head!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dear Best Friend,

You've have loved me since day one. You loved me when I named you "Chloe" and didn't mind it taking someone else making me realize that you were a "him" and not a "her". You loved me through all the times of dressing you up and feeding you hamburger helper with a fork. You loved me when your puppy teeth fell out and the "tooth fairy" gave you the same gift twice. You loved me with moving you to different homes. You loved me through a marriage, and even more when the marriage was gone. You loved me when I made you a brother to kitty cat "Grady" and loved him as your own. Where ever he is, I know he misses his big brother to crawl on and cuddle with. You loved me when I moved away, and welcomed me when I came home. You've loved me when I was sad and happy, struggling and celebrating. You've loved my sweet baby nieces. No matter what, you have always loved me. You have loved me selflessly, and unconditionally. You are my best friend!! And now it's time for me to love you the same way. I will love you selflessly. I'm sorry I couldn't make this better like you always did for me. Thank you for being my best friend forever! I love you Casey Bobo Head. 

Tough week ahead! I've prayed that God would either heal or take my Casey. HE didn't answer the way I had hoped. He said neither. It's time for me to make the selfless sacrifice my BoBo always did for me. I'm so sorry Casey! Thank you for always loving and being my best friend no matter what!!