Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

"Happy Mother's Day!" If I heard it once today, I heard it a hundred times. Except, this year it was different. I was the one being told to have a Happy Mother's Day. "Ummm, well, you see, I'm not exactly a mother". That was my first thought while being greeted at church this morning but in stead, I smiled and said thank you. I laughed out loud thinking to myself that was God's way of helping Tucker show appreciation and love to me since he doesn't speak "human" (Tucker is my only child and he has four legs complete with a tail). But it happened again. And again. Some were strangers and some were not. When my four year old niece said "Happy Mother's Day Peeps", my heart melted and I couldn't help but to smile. But the others... They didn't make me smile. I chose to. And God turned my fake smile into a real one. 

I woke up this morning to "Tucker snuggles" (my four legged fur baby). I was able to watch 2 of my nieces perform their 3 year old choir song at "big church". I walked into the service I normally attend and one of my gymnast was their helping her dad hand out bulletins. Her face lit up and I got the best hug ever! While leaving church, I saw another gymnast and I hugged both her and her mama because we genuinely love each other.

I've spent hours this weekend trying to write down my thoughts about this day and share my heart. The words would not come out the way I wanted them to. Now I know why. So here they are. Please only read with a gentle heart. Because this is mine being transparent. I know this test is meant for a testimony and the mess is a message. 

I've spent the weekend being thankful for mothers. But my heart has been with those who have lost their moms, mothers' who have lost children, and couples who are trying and want nothing more than to have a child. I know and love at least one person who is dealing with these situations and I'm heartbroken for all of them.

That heartbreak is also followed with my own despair. Most of you know my story of having endometriosis and were great prayer warriors while I had surgery, injections and the constant hormones I take to try to protect my "oven". I had grown to hate the number 35. 2 different states and 2 different doctors explained the importance of trying to conceive before that age with my "condition". One doctor looked me in the eyes and told me if I wanted to have a child I needed to try then. The other held my hands and prayed. He was honest, but he chose Christ over medicine. So did I. 

I turned 35 last month. A month before that, my body reminded me of my age and it hasn't cooperated since then. This week I will meet with the same doctor who prayed for me and we might both have to accept that our prayers were not answered the way I had hoped. That would be enough to devastate any woman, especially one who has dedicated more than half of her life working and serving children. 

I've shed many tears in silence about this. I'm crying as I type this (so please excuse the grammar errors). But my tears are different. I have no idea what the answer will be. I know the medical reasons and my present situation. I also know a God who counts the numbers of hairs on my head and has a plan for my life beyond what I can imagine. Some know his plan at a younger age, but that does not mean that I am less than others. Maybe I am chosen and strong enough to hold on. One day I will be thankful for this endurance. One day... 

Back to today.

That puppy dog of mine was once a foster dog. I can't imagine anyone not wanting him, but either way I don't think he could love me anymore! Being an aunt is a precious gift and I couldn't be more thankful for my nieces. I coached one of my nieces in her gymnastics preschool show Monday night and I watched 2 of them sing about Jesus today. And those 2 gymnasts of mine at church. Yeah, God reminded me how I'm able to love on them too! I've never given birth. I may never be able to. But, I have been able to "mother" many children and I am forever grateful! 

I have had no grief today. No sorrow and what I thought would be self pity. None! I have thanked every person who told me "Happy Mothers Day. It has been a wonderful "I love you like a mother would day"! Tonight I will rest peacefully counting my blessings! This week I may need reminders of that love. Jeremiah 29:11. For now, I will  rest comfortably in his love. I've had the best "Mothers Day" ever!