Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"I need to read. I need to write. I read my Blog. And now l write."

Silly title for a Blog, I know... Let me explain.

When things are great, I write. When things are not so great, I write. A special prayer, a short poem, or even a funny story would be put on paper. When I started posting things on Facebook, I was encouraged to start a blog. I've been told I have a gift that I needed to share. I'm still not convinced that is true ,but writing has always been good therapy for me and much cheaper than a therapist. So a Blog seemed to be a good idea! I fell in love being able to share my heart! But Somewhere along the way the past several months, I stopped writing. Climbing to the mountain, I kept to myself. At the top of the mountain, I was silent. Falling face first first from the mountain top because of my mistakes, I had no words. Being pushed off the cliff from "wrong doers", I stayed silent. And now sitting in the valley, I realize I have lost my words. Until tonight. I opened my blog to see what what my heart needed to say. And then I read someone's blog. Some posts were published and others meant to stay private. I read them all. My heart melted and the tears wouldn't stop. The blog I was reading was MINE. God used ME to remind ME who I am and most importantly WHOSE (sp?) I am! The woman who loves unconditionally, is me. The woman who struggles with sin because she is a sinner like everyone else, is me! The woman who has fought through more than her "fair share of battles" is me! The woman who is blessed to make a difference every day is me! I'm sorry I let others "make me forget about me". God hasn't and he never will. I am cherished. I am fought for. I am here to win others to Christ. I am worthy enough to die for. SO ARE YOU!! Please don't let the trials of this life steal your journey! Don't detour because of self doubt! Mountain top, cliff, or valley...YOU are still able to glorify HIM! If you are going through another storm of life, please don't do what I did and forget about the rainbow! I will dance in the rain tomorrow no matter what, because I know HIS SON-shine is coming!